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Our database delivers high-quality actionable information.
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List Rental

IDG Contacts is constantly collecting new contacts.
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Lead Generation

White paper & webinar programs allow you to directly engage with your target audience

IDG Contacts is the premier Australian database of business & technology marketing information.

The IDG contacts data comprehensively covers your marketing needs and offers unparalleled precision of data. Our clean and accurate records will save you time and money by the efficient and effective delivery of your message to key decision makers every time.

Whether through traditional direct marketing methods, lead generation or email marketing, we can help you increase sales, find new customers and generally cut through every day marketing clutter to effectively deliver your message.

For pricing, quotes or any other information on IDG Contacts, please email,
or call (02) 9902 2702.

Our Data

Updated continually, IDG Contacts has data feeds from Computerworld, CIO magazine and IDG's unparalleled online IT databases. We continually conduct market research to obtain thorough, up-to-date company and contact profiles.

When you communicate with IDG readers, you're reaching a powerful IT audience with a large concentration of IT buyers from large enterprises and government organizations through to SMB sized companies and consumers. With a suite of brands including Computerworld, ARN, PC World and CIO, we are able to deliver to you the audience that is most relevant to your business.

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IDG Contacts Database

IDG Contacts offers direct marketing databases for purchase for up to one year. Our database delivers high-quality actionable information and allow you to accurately target the right prospects for your business.

Updates are available on-demand* to ensure that your marketing campaigns are using the most recent data. Your licence is valid for your entire organisation, which means no complicated licencing issues.

With over 32,200 contacts in over 7,400 companies, IDG Contacts is an integral component of your marketing mix.

Take the Contacts tour

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List rentals

IDG Contacts is constantly collecting new contacts through our online news services, events, print and research services.

Direct Marketing

A direct marketing campaign can increase brand awareness and promote a particular product or service, while hitting your target audience directly at their place of work.

No access to data is available, and a third party mailing house needs to be nominated from which to send your campaign.

eDM (Email Direct Marketing)

An eDM campaign can increase brand awareness, effectively promote a product or service in a very short period of time, and encourage traffic to your website.

Unlike other forms of online advertising, email campaigns allow you to filter your audience to target key players and specific industries and/or job functions.

Get your message delivered straight to your target audience's inbox. No other form of online advertising is as immediate or as personal.

With a list of over 25,000 names, you can ensure that your message will be heard.

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Lead Generation

White papers

IDG Australia offers tailored white paper campaigns for targeted lead generation. Whether combined with a Webinar program, or used individually, our white paper campaigns are effective lead generation and educational tools.

The IDG Australia white paper program offers:

  • Exceptional levels of exposure and qualification (making it an outstanding lead generation tool)
  • Opportunities to communicate directly with IDG readers, including heads of industry and IT decision makers
  • Potential access to key IDG content to enable quality & quantity in lead generation


Our fresh new Webinar format allows you to interact live with your target audience, while the geographically neutral broadcast means you can include speakers from your offices in the US, Asia or Europe without the cost of business class airfares.

Webinars are the perfect information format for today's busy IT professionals who have limited time but are trying to stay ahead of the game. The Webinar format is attractive to our audience due to its compact, fast and effective format, which doesn't eat up too much of the business day and is also possible to access at a time that suits them.

The IDG Australia Webinar program offers:

  • Exceptional levels of engagement and qualification (making it an outstanding lead generation tool)
  • Opportunities to leverage your best people in presentations no matter where your audience are based
  • Capacity to further qualify & engage with prospects during and after the presentation
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For pricing, quotes or any other information on IDG Contacts, please email