Chemical Pollution in Our Sea

We all use chemicals in the home and gardens. Some chemicals like house cleaning agents and detergents, may be released directly and legitimately to the drains and thus enter water bodies. Others, such as artistic paints, solvents or surplus pesticides, may be discarded with little thought for the environment, and enter water bodies after diffusing through the soil or by means of surface water drains.

There is concern that a number of the products used by the average household may pose a threat to health and the environment, particularly in the long term. Legislation to protect both health and the environment is constantly being re-assessed and improved. Nonetheless, we are still ignorant of the chemicals found in household products and the kinds of risk they might pose to the environment. General public ignorance is understandable; a vast range of chemicals and formulations of chemicals is utilized in the home because of their active chemical properties.

Our aquatic environments are made up of rivers, streams, lakes, underground aquifers and the sea. These water bodies get water runoff and percolation from farmland, moorland and urban areas; they may likewise receive waste waters treated in sewage and other effluent treatment plants. If the run-off, percolated water or wastewater is polluting the receiving water may be affected easily and clearly (for example, the extermination of all fish in a river reach).

However, the impact may be less apparent and long-term, affecting the growth and diversity of plants and aquatic fauna; an instance is the feminizing of fish, which has been reported as a result of the alleged endocrine disrupting chemicals. Moreover, a few chemicals may jeopardize the use of water bodies in the environment, such as for drinking-water supply, recreational bathing or water sports.

The intent of the article is primarily for non-specialists and those with an interest in promoting environmental responsibilities, considering the number and scope of household chemicals; you should consult a professional house cleaner for advice on toxic chemicals and correct procedures on disposing harmful cleaning agents to prevent chemicals reaching our waterways and into the sea environment. It is limited to products that are added to the water purposely (such as cleaning agents), substances that make their way into water indirectly (such as cosmetics or pharmaceuticals) and those that are not planned to reach water bodies but often do (such as automotive fluids and garden chemicals). The review evaluates the dangers these chemicals pose to the aquatic environment and to our water resources, and the means of controlling these risks.

Categories: Pollutants

Climate change and what causes sea levels to rise

A warming sea level can make seawater to expand and ice over land to melt, this both will bring about a rise in the sea level. Sea levels are increasing and the oceans are becoming warmer due to the climate change. Longer, more serious dry seasons undermine yields, natural life and freshwater supplies. From polar bears in the Ice to marine turtles off the bank of Africa, our planet’s differing qualities of life is at hazard because of the climate change.

Climate change creates a primary risk to all the places, species, and the livelihood of the people. The wild animals and humans have to face new challenges for surviving due to the change in climate. The climate change causes tremendous drought, heat waves, and storms, melting glaciers, warming the ocean and rising of the sea levels. These will directly impact on the animals, which harm and destroy animals and places they are living and also wreak destruction on individuals’ livelihood and group of people.

Reasons for the sea level rise

  • Sea level rising discloses a lot about the changing of climate. The cause for the rise in the mean level of sea can be by decrease in the ocean density.
  • It mostly reflects an increase in ocean temperature. It can also be caused by the mass of the ocean.
  • The other reason for the level rise of the sea is the contribution from the glacial isostatic adjustment.
  • This glacial isostatic adjustment will range the possibility values in small amount. And can be major source of uncertainty in the levels of sea.
  • Another reason is because of the density changes in the ocean.
  • One more reason for the raising is the increase of the ocean mass, frequently by the melting of the glaciers and the polar ice sheets. With the sureness it is difficult for one to pin down the exact proportion of the sea level rise and even it is difficult to know exactly the proportion of the causes of the sea level rise.

What can be done to avoid climate disaster?

One can lessen the demands on nature and the tonnages of carbon dioxide transmitted by receiving economical improvement. Economical improvement can build the limit for adjustment and alleviation, and lessen weakness of social orders to the effects of environmental change. People are as of now adjusting to environmental change, and further adjustment endeavors will be vital amid coming decades. To overcome the disaster one should not harm the nature and global warming should be reduced.

Categories: Sea Levels

Pristine waters of the Coral Sea

The Coral Sea is a region off Australia’s North East State of Queensland and covers one million square kilometres of the Pacific Ocean.  It is home to an extensive array of marine fish and coral reefs including the Great Barrier Reef.  In November 1990, the International Maritime Organization officially designated the Great Barrier Reef the first ever Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA).  In 2015, this PSSA was extended to include an area of the south-west Coral Sea to acknowledge the vulnerabilities of the complex marine ecosystem habituated in the Coral Sea.

Fishing remains a big threat in the Coral Sea, overfishing is known to deplete species and damage coral habitats.  Use of nets and traps often removes more fish that are herbivores; these fish eat algae and balance the ecosystem.  Traps set too close to reefs can damage coral reefs which take a long time to recover.

Climate change is having an adverse impact with 2015 and 2016 recorded as the hottest years on record with the 2016 Great Barrier Reef bleaching that caused an average loss of 68% of coral; having a far greater impact than the bleaching’s of the Great Barrier Reef in 1998 and 2002.

Biodiversity has never been more important for a healthy functional ecosystem which is essential to providing humans with natural resources and services we depend on.  Having a higher diversity of species provides the marine ecosystem opportunities to adapt to environmental and climate change.

Hence, it is crucial that we develop strategies now to protect the global significance of the Coral Sea.

Categories: Coral Sea