The Global Clearinghouse for Displaced Revolutionaries

If you are familiar with Victor Hugo's classic novel, Les Misérables, you will doubtless remember Les Amis de l'A B C -- the heroic band of students and working men who in 1832 joined the uprising against the government and promptly died on the barricade in the Rue de la Chanvrerie.

What you may not know is that not only are these men among us today, but due to a strange phenomenon of time, space, and imagination, they have proliferated. The Global Clearinghouse for Displaced Revolutionaries was established in order to create some order out of this chaos, and allow us -- and les Amis -- to distinguish more easily among their various incarnations.

If you or someone you know died at (or survived) the barricades in 1832, please register with the Clearinghouse so that we can share your information and reunite you with your brothers in arms. Otherwise, please sign our guestbook.

Revolutionary #
Enjolras 28
Combeferre 14
Courfeyrac 11
Prouvaire 10
Feuilly 10
Joly 13
Lesgle 9
Bahorel 6
Grantaire 22
Others 7
Ladies' Auxiliary 18

Last Updated:
October 25, 2002

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