Christian Dream Symbols

Christian Dream Symbols - Biblical Dreams
Biblical Dreams have considerable importance in Christianity, and indeed other religions. In all Christian countries there is a solid reason for accepting information conveyed in dreams, inasmuch as the sacred narratives in the Bible speak of Divine guidance by this means. God declared that He would speak through dreams and visions in the Old Testament.

"Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream" (Num. 12:6).

There are about 121 mentions of dreams in the Bible. Joseph and Daniel are recorded as having interpreted dreams sent from God, and the Bible describes many incidents of dreams as divine revelation. An example of a Biblical dream is told in which Jacob sees a ladder to heaven. The following link provides details of where dreams are mentioned in the Bible, a selection of biblical dreams:

Biblical Dreams


Biblical and Christian Dream Symbols - Christian Dream Interpretation Symbols Dictionary
A Christian Symbol or Icon is an object, character, figure, or color used to represent abstract ideas or concepts - a picture that represents an idea. Symbols or icons are images or symbolic representations with sacred significance which can manifest itself in a dream and these are described in the Biblical Interpretation Dictionary. The meanings, origins and ancient traditions surrounding Christian symbols and dream symbols date back to early times when the majority of ordinary people were not able to read or write and printing was unknown, so images were used as easily recognised Christian symbols, as explained in the Christian Dream Interpretation Dictionary. Christian symbols and symbolism which can appear in a dream often contain a moral or religious lesson or allegory as explained in the Biblical and Christian Dream Dictionary. The following links to the Christian Dream Interpretation Dictionary provide details of Biblical and Christian Dream Symbols, their meaning, interpretation, definition with Biblical quotes and references in the bible which will help with Christian Interpretation of Symbols.


Christian Dream Symbols and Interpretation - Christian Dream Interpretation Dictionary
Find the meaning of dreams together with Biblical and Christian Dream Symbols with the Interpretation of Biblical symbols in the above links to Christian Dream Symbols and Interpretation. To avoid sleeping trouble, sleep problems or sleeping disorders ensure your sleep comfort in the beds that you sleep in. Take natural sleep aids for a good night's sleep, sleep in when you can and remember sleep disorders will be diminished with comfortable beds.


Christian Dream Symbols

  • Christian Dream Symbols, Symbolism and Interpretation
  • Interpretation of Dream Symbols
  • Biblical Dreams - Symbols Interpretation Dictionary
  • Interpretation - Christian Dream Symbols
  • Biblical references and Bible Quotes and Quotations
  • Meaning, interpretation, definition of Dreams & Symbols
  • Christian Dreams Interpretation Dictionary and Symbols
  • Christian Dream Interpretation and Symbols
  • Interpretation and Christian Symbols
  • Christianity - Interpretation of Dreams and Symbols

Christian Dream Interpretation and Symbols - Interpreter - Free Glossary - Interpretations - Meaning - Meanings - Dream - Dreams - Free - Biblical Interpretation Dictionary - Online - Facts - Quotes - Quotations - References - Information - Biblical Interpretation Dictionary - Info - Free - Online - Facts - Quotes - Christian Interpretation Symbols - Quotations - References - Interpretation - Interpreter - Free Glossary - Interpretations - Meaning - Meanings - Information - Info - Free - Online - Biblical and Christian Dream Interpretation Dictionary - Biblical Dictionary - Facts - Quotes - Quotations - References - Information - Interpretation - Interpreter - Free Glossary - Interpretations - Christian Interpretation Symbols - Meaning - Meanings - Info - Free - Online - Facts - Quotes - Dream - Dreams - Quotations - References - Information - Biblical Interpretation Dictionary - Info - Free - Online - Facts - Quotes - Quotations - Biblical Interpretation Dictionary - References - Christian Dream Symbols - Symbols - Information - Info - Christian Dream Interpretation and Symbols

Christian Dream Symbols

Christian Dream Symbols

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