Welcome to your new login experience

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and robust security, we are excited to announce a complete overhaul and upgrade to our member login system!

The new system utilises the latest advancements in password and encryption technology and will continue providing the highest level of security that you've come to expect from us.

What's changed

  • When you login, you will notice a different-looking interface.
  • You'll need to use your contact email address instead of your username to log in.
  • Please note that your contact email address may be different to your primary organisation email address.
  • You may need to change your password – your current password may not work if it doesn’t meet the new requirements. If that happens, just use the “Forgot your password?” link to reset it.
  • You'll need to use the existing contact email address for the reset password process.

*FYI - If you're not confident you can remember a more complicated password, we highly recommend using a password manager such as Okta, ManageEngine, or Dashlane.

Need help?

If you've forgotten your email, click here.
If you get really stuck, reach out to Customer Support.