Decoding the symbols of light and darkness in Genesis 1:1-5

First day

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”

Genesis 1:3

Have you ever felt caught between moments of clarity and confusion, as if standing at the edge of light and shadow?

This experience isn’t just a part of our everyday lives but is deeply rooted in the very beginnings of creation, as told in Genesis 1:1-5.

Here, the concepts of light and darkness are not just physical states but carry profound symbolic meanings that touch the core of our spiritual journey.

Today, we’ll uncover the essence of light as a symbol of divine presence and guidance, contrasting it with the darkness which represents our struggles. Let’s start with overviewing the first day in Genesis.

First day in the Creation

Picture this: before anything else existed, there was just emptiness, a kind of vast nothingness.

Then, something incredible happened. God decided it was time to start creating.

With just a few powerful words, “Let there be light,” boom – light burst into existence. However, this wasn’t just any light — it was the first of its kind, slicing through the darkness, separating night from day.

The thing is that this act of creation is not merely about the physical emergence of light but symbolizes the dawn of understanding, wisdom, and divine presence in the world.

The light represents the first step towards a structured universe, a beacon guiding us toward spiritual enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge.

In formlessness and void, the introduction of light signifies God’s sovereignty and the beginning of life as we know it.

In essence, Genesis 1:1-5 shows how, even in our darkest moments, there’s always a spark of hope, a chance for a new beginning.

Now, let’s take a look at the English translation of Genesis 1:1-5 follows, as well as a comparative Key of Hebrew and English.

English translation of Genesis 1:1-5

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.
5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”
And there was evening, and there was morning – the first day.

Key of Hebrew and English

English Hebrew
Beginning בְּרֵאשִׁית
God אֱלֹהִים
Created בָּרָא
Heavens הַשָּׁמַיִם
Earth הָאָרֶץ
Formless תֹּהוּ
Empty בֹּהוּ
Dark חֹשֶׁך
Surface פָּנִים
Deep תְּהוֹם
Spirit רוּהַ
Hovering מְרַחֶפֶת
Waters הַמָּיִם
Said וַיֹּאמֶר
Be light יְהִי אוֹר
Saw וַיַּרְא
Good טוֹב
Divide בָּדַל
Call קָרָא
Day יוֹם
Night לַיְלָה
Evening עֶרֶב
Morning בֹּקֶר

The symbolism in Genesis 1:1-5

Genesis 1:1-5 isn’t just a story about the physical creation of the world; it’s a rich tapestry of symbolism that speaks to our spiritual journey.

Within these verses, light and darkness serve as powerful metaphors for deeper truths about existence, knowledge, and the divine.

Let’s break down these symbols to see what they can teach us about our own lives:


In Genesis, light is the first thing God chooses to create, symbolizing the beginning of creation and the introduction of order and clarity into a void of chaos. Light represents knowledge, goodness, and the divine presence itself.

It’s a beacon guiding us towards wisdom and understanding, urging us to seek out what is good and true in our lives.

For us, embracing the light can mean pursuing knowledge, seeking truth, and striving to embody the goodness that this symbol represents.


Darkness, on the other hand, isn’t merely the absence of light. It symbolizes the unknown, the unformed, and often, the challenges we face.

However, darkness is not depicted as purely negative; it’s part of the divine creation, a necessary contrast to light.

This teaches us that our struggles and the unknown aspects of our lives are not just obstacles but opportunities for growth.

Now, you may be wondering whether we should also embrace the darkness.

Well, we should because embracing darkness means acknowledging our fears and uncertainties. That’s the only way we can use them as catalysts for personal development and spiritual deepening.

Significance of numbers in Genesis 1:1-5

The significance of numbers in Genesis 1:1-5 extends beyond simple counting, reflecting deep symbolic meanings.

The numbers one through ten, particularly noteworthy in biblical texts, carry gendered forms in Hebrew — masculine and feminine—depending on their noun association.

Notably, the number one (אֶחָד), which can mean both “one” and “first,” underscores the concept of beginning and uniqueness in Genesis 1:5, marking the First Day of Creation.

This usage highlights the foundational role of numbers in conveying thematic elements of creation, order, and divine intervention.

The intertwining of numerology and language further deepens during the Maccabean period (second century BC), when Hebrew letters began to double as numbers.

The first ten letters represented numbers one through ten, a system prominently featured in the Ten Commandments, symbolizing a divine order encoded within the language itself.

Interestingly, in a unique twist of Semitic languages, numbers 3 through 10 adopt a feminine ending when used with masculine nouns, showcasing the complexity and layered meanings of numbers in biblical texts.

Here are the masculine (left) and feminine (right) forms of the numbers one through ten.


3 functions of Hebrew accents

The Tiberian Masoretes added more than just vowels to Biblical Hebrew; they introduced accents, or cantillation marks, to guide the reading of Scripture.

These accents have 3 main functions:

  1. They indicate how to sing or recite the text during worship, adding a musical dimension to the scripture.
  2. They show how words relate to each other, helping readers understand the structure and flow of sentences.
  3. They point out where to place emphasis on words, enhancing the clarity and meaning of the spoken word.

Accents are categorized into two types:

  • Disjunctive — signals a pause or end of a thought;
  • Conjunctive — links words that belong together.

While the subject of Hebrew accents is intricate, with different sets for prose and poetry, three accents are key across all texts.

For example, in Genesis 1:1, the accents munah, atnah, and silluq serve to connect words, indicate pauses, and highlight where to stress words. This, in turn, guides both the reading pace and interpretation.

Conclusion: Integrating light and darkness

Exploring Genesis 1:1-5 opens up a world where every word and symbol holds profound significance, from the contrast of light and darkness to the meticulous structure of Hebrew numbers and accents.

This deep dive isn’t just about understanding an ancient text — it’s about uncovering the foundational elements that have influenced countless generations.

Through this journey, we connect with the very roots of spiritual thought and tradition.

Let this exploration be a source of inspiration, encouraging you to seek out the hidden depths within your own beliefs and experiences, and to find the light of wisdom that guides us all.

Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing for Nomadrs to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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